
sheath blight Learn more about sheath blight

  • How to control rice sheath blight? Causes and Control of Rice sheath Blight in South China

    How to control rice sheath blight? Causes and Control of Rice sheath Blight in South China

    How to control rice sheath blight? Causes and Control of Rice sheath Blight in South China

  • What is rice sheath blight?

    What is rice sheath blight?

    What is rice sheath blight? What are the hazards of rice sheath blight? Also ask friends to help introduce the harm of rice sheath blight: Rice sheath blight is also known as moire disease. The disease can occur from seedling stage to panicle stage. Leaf sheath infection produces dark green water-immersed edge blurred spots near the surface, and then gradually expands into an oval or cloud.

  • The latest control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    The latest control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    Wheat sheath blight can be infected in different growth stages of wheat. after the emergence of wheat seedlings, the pathogen of summer in the soil infects the underground stem and stem base leaf sheath of wheat seedlings. After the wheat turned green, light brown oval or rhomboid disease spots appeared on the leaf sheath at the base of the damaged wheat seedlings.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat sheath blight disease control methods and matters needing attention
  • How to control rice sheath blight?

    How to control rice sheath blight?

    What is the harm of rice sheath blight? How to control rice sheath blight? Netizens are also asked to help introduce the harm of rice sheath blight into leaf sheath disease, leaf disease and stem disease, which are described in detail as follows. Leaf sheath disease: dark green water-immersed edge blurred spots appear near the water surface, and then gradually expand into an oval or.

  • Early prevention of wheat sheath blight

    Early prevention of wheat sheath blight

    Recently, some wheat growers reported that the wheat tip turned yellow, the leaf sheath showed small yellowish spots, and the roots showed crisscross stripes of yellow, commonly known as flower stalks, with serious dark brown rot. This is a typical symptom of wheat sheath blight. It is understood that

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat sheath blight need early prevention recent individual
  • Control of wheat sheath blight by early application of Thiofuroamide in spring

    Control of wheat sheath blight by early application of Thiofuroamide in spring

    In recent years, the planting area of direct-seeding rice in northern Jiangsu and other places is relatively large, which leads to the late sowing date of wheat. In order to ensure the yield of late sowing wheat, the seeding amount is often greatly increased. The seed amount per mu of high fields is 20~30 kg. The wheat seedlings in the field grow too densely. With the spring temperature rising, the wheat quickly recovers its growth.

  • How to control rice sheath blight?

    How to control rice sheath blight?

    How to control rice sheath blight? When will the detailed control of rice sheath blight begin? Please help guide the harm of rice sheath blight to rice is very serious, the best control method is to prepare to plant rice from the beginning, the following is a detailed description of the control methods and reasons for netizens.

  • Guard against the occurrence of rice sheath blight under high temperature and humidity

    Guard against the occurrence of rice sheath blight under high temperature and humidity

    Sheath blight, also known as sheath blight, rice sheath blight has a great impact on its growth and development, not only weakening the absorption capacity of roots, but also affecting leaf photosynthesis, resulting in an increase in empty chaff grains, a decrease in 1000-grain weight and a decrease in yield. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of sheath blight in production. The main symptoms, occurrence characteristics and control methods of this disease are introduced below for reference. The main symptoms of rice leaf sheath infection produce dark green water-immersed spots with blurred edges near the surface of the water, then expand in oval or moire shape, and grayish green in the middle.

  • The latest control methods of sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora

    The latest control methods of sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora

    Sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora is common in the planting land all over the country. with the continuous increase of its planting area, the disease is becoming more and more serious. Sheath blight will destroy the photosynthesis of Zizania caduciflora, cause weak root absorption, and cause rot and lodging in serious cases. So for Zizania latifolia

    2020-11-10 The latest Zizania caduciflora sheath blight disease control methods Zizania latifolia
  • How does peanut sheath blight occur? How to prevent and cure?

    How does peanut sheath blight occur? How to prevent and cure?

    How does peanut sheath blight occur? How to prevent and cure? (1) incidence regularity: peanut sheath blight is a disease caused by basidiomycetes. The young hyphae are colorless and yellowish brown when mature; they are branched, constricted obviously at the branches, and there is a septum not far from the branches. The hyphae on the surface of the diseased tissue can form sclerotia, sclerotia table.

  • Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

    Control methods and matters needing attention of wheat sheath blight

  • Control methods of wheat sheath blight

    Control methods of wheat sheath blight

    Wheat sheath blight mainly adopts the comprehensive control method of chemical control and agricultural measures, the varieties with good disease resistance should be selected when sowing, and the single antigen varieties should not be planted in a large area. Before sowing, you can use chlorpromazil suspension and tebuconazole suspension.

    2020-11-08 Wheat sheath blight disease control methods abstract wheat
  • How to control rice sheath blight by reducing 1000-grain weight of rice

    How to control rice sheath blight by reducing 1000-grain weight of rice

    How to control rice sheath blight by reducing 1000-grain weight of rice

  • Symptoms of corn sheath blight

    Symptoms of corn sheath blight

    Maize sheath blight is a common disease in the whole country, and its harm is becoming more and more serious. So what are the symptoms of corn sheath blight? Let's take a look. 1. The main symptoms are damage to leaf sheath, stem and ear in severe cases.

    2020-11-08 Corn sheath blight disease symptoms corn yes a kind of
  • Control methods of sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora

    Control methods of sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora

    Control methods of sheath blight of Zizania caduciflora

  • Control of wheat diseases and insect pests in March

    Control of wheat diseases and insect pests in March

    March is the first critical period for spring control of wheat diseases and insect pests in our province, and the main diseases and insect pests are wheat sheath blight, wheat spiders, seedling aphids and so on. In particular, if the control of wheat sheath blight is not effective, it will have a serious impact on wheat production.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat March disease and pest control yes our province
  • Control of Maize sheath Blight

    Control of Maize sheath Blight

    It is reported that in the southern corn planting area, the incidence rate is about 40% in general years, 70% in severe cases, and 100% in individual plots or varieties; the incidence in seed production fields is even higher, and the plant incidence in general years is more than 50%, and there is a trend of increasing year by year. In Yunnan

    2020-11-08 Planting corn sheath blight disease control according to reports Tao in the south
  • The latest ways to control wheat sheath blight

    The latest ways to control wheat sheath blight

    Wheat sheath blight is a common disease in wheat area, which can harm wheat malt, stem and ear, and can directly cause dead seedlings at seedling stage. It does serious harm to wheat, which can cause direct loss and affect the yield. Next, we will talk about the occurrence, causes and symptoms of wheat sheath blight.

    2020-11-10 The latest how to control wheat sheath blight wheat sheath blight is
  • Occurrence and control of wheat sheath blight

    Occurrence and control of wheat sheath blight

    According to the investigation of the measuring and reporting stations in various counties (cities and districts), at present, wheat sheath blight has been widespread and will enter the stage of epidemic damage, and all localities must seize the appropriate period and organize the broad masses of farmers to carry out prevention and control in time. First, the occurrence and trend analysis of the occurrence characteristics of wheat sheath blight this year: first, the occurrence period is normal, due to the low temperature last winter and spring, the growth of wheat seedlings is weak, which is not conducive to the occurrence of wheat sheath blight. The earliest Xiangshui in the city was first found in mid-February, and a large area was found at the end of February and early March. Second, the prevalence rate of the disease and

  • Four passes to control rice sheath blight

    Four passes to control rice sheath blight

    In recent years, sheath blight has become the most important disease of rice, and has four major characteristics: first, a wide range of occurrence. Second, there are very few varieties resistant to sheath blight. Third, the harm is becoming more and more serious, even causing lodging through the top. Fourth, the disease is first caused by the lower part of the rice plant, which is easy to ignore and miss the favorable opportunity for prevention and control. It is the key to strictly control the four hurdles in the prevention and control strategy. 1. Salvage sclerotia sheath blight mainly overwinters in rice fields in the form of sclerotia. When overwintering sclerotia pass through winter and spring to early rice transplanting, 60% to 70% of sclerotia can germinate. Most of the sclerotia are lighter than water and longer.
